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英国华语性健康资讯 Access to Sexual Health Services for Chinese Speaking Communities in the UK




为了让关于性健康的知识更广泛地在华语圈普及,为了让在日常生活中谈论性这件事不再羞耻与难以启齿,为了让大家了解到自己在英国的基本权利与福利,为了让大家识到性健康是关乎每一个个体与我们整个社会的议题,我们制作了这本手工本 (zine)与两部动画视频。

谢欧盟玛丽居里学者项目 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) SOLiDi* (Solidarity in Diversity,意多元中的团结”) 研究团队资助,这些材料得以以现在的样貌呈现给大家。手工本呈现了一些基本的性传播感染知识,以及我们可以如何照顾好自己的性健康小贴士,并介绍了一些资源与链接;两个视频分别介绍了在英获取免费性健康筛查的方式和过程,以及了解并参与到一些当地非政府组织 (charity organizations) 的志愿者活动。



* SOLiDi 项目官网: 

Welcome to the homepage of Access to Sexual Health Services for Chinese-speaking communities in the UK! 

 As new arrivals, we might find us in an unstable and unsettling state constantly. At the places where we have lived before, some information and knowledge might be gained easily, with the support of our social network and of the ‘common sense’ through our upbringing. When moving to a new place, there are many aspects of life that need our specific attention. Adjusting our bodies to local linguistic and social environment, we might develop feasible ways to care for ourselves and the ones we love, with the knowledge that we obtain here. We have to (re)learn about ourselves and possibly rebuild our lives, and this, makes it more significant to get access to useful information that could actually help us. 

We want to circulate the knowledge about (taking care of one’s) sexual health, we want to destigmatize the conversations about sex and sexuality in our everyday life, we want everyone to get to know their basic rights and welfare, we want to acknowledge and raise the awareness in terms of sexual health being a social issue for every single individual and for the society we live in together… because of these, we have made this zine and two animation videos. 

A huge thank you to our funding body Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of European Union and SOLiDi* (Solidarity in Diversity) research consortium who have make it possible for us to make the zine and videos. The zine introduces some basic knowledges about sexually transmitted infections (STI) and some tips on how to take care of one’s sexual health, as well as helpful links and resources. The two videos are about the process of getting tests in local sexual health clinic and engaging in volunteer work of local charity organisations. 

We sincerely hope that these materials are useful for you. Please take good care of yourself and the people around you. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us:, 

*official webpage of SOLiDi: 


Social life