Trade Sexual Health

Free, confidential health advice, information,
services & support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and trans communities of Leicester,
Leicestershire & Rutland

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Emotional wellbeing

Emotional Wellbeing

Often people go through stages where they feel unable to cope with particular situations, have an increase in negative thoughts or feelings, become concerned about their level of self-esteem, or worried about their performance or productivity at work.

There is a variety of support services available within Leicester that may help.

Trade Counselling Service - Approach

Trade runs a fully qualified counselling service. Counsellors are trained to listen sympathetically and can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings; you can find more details about our service here.

A group of other organisations also offer support, advice and help:

Let's Talk Wellbeing (For Leicester City residents)

A talking therapy service for offering CBT, counselling and interpersonal therapies IPT and DIT. Their team includes LGBT-identifying staff and all have regular LGBT awareness training sessions

Referral: Self-referral by emailing for a referral form, or ringing 0116 292 7010 direct.

Tel: 0116 292 7010


Let's Talk Wellbeing (For Leicestershire County and Rutland residents)

A talking therapy service for offering CBT, counselling and interpersonal therapies IPT and DIT. Their team includes LGBT-identifying staff and all have regular LGBT awareness training sessions

Referral: Self-referral by emailing for a referral form, or ringing 0116 292 7010 direct.

Tel: 01509 561 100


Life Links

Life Links provides a mental health wellness recovery service tailored to meet each individual's needs, providing information, advice and nagivation, as well as community recovery support.

Referral: Self-referral via website or on the details below.

Address: Life Links, 60 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FB

Tel: 0800 023 4575


South Asian HangOuts

A twice monthly online Zoom group for gay, bi and trans men with South Asian Heritage, who live in the UK. By South Asian we mean countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

We welcome gay, bi and trans men from all faith backgrounds as well as those who don’t identify with any faith.



Talk to us any time you like, in your own way, and off the record - about whatever's getting to you. You don't have to be suicidal.
Find out why our service works and what you can expect when you contact us.

If you have concerns about our service before you try it, hear from others about how we've helped them. Please don't suffer alone.

Tel: 0116 123 (free phone - available 24/7)
Email: (response time: 24 hours)

Address: 1a Elmfield Ave, Leicester, LE2 1RB

Drop-in: 9.30am - 9.00pm every day


This project offers support to adults with mental health difficulties, young carers aged 8 - 18, young and adult carers of adults with learning disabilities, and families and carers of people experiencing complex mental health difficulties.

Address: 79 St. Peters Road, Leicester, LE2 1DH

Tel: 0116 220 0070

Leicester City Social Inclusion Team

A mental health team providing 1:1 support for people with severe and enduring mental ill health.

Support is aimed at helping people to engage in community opportunities by focusing on skills, strengths and aspirations. Inclusion workers support people into areas such as education, volunteering, employment, social, sports, arts, culture and faith using a person centred approach.

Referral: Referral by health or social care professional. To be eligible, you need to be under the care of a psychiatrist or eligible for social care.

Tel: 0116 2953195

Opening Times: 8-5pm, support in the evenings can be arranged.
