Trade Sexual Health

Free, confidential health advice, information,
services & support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and trans communities of Leicester,
Leicestershire & Rutland

Make a donation


How we can help

Trade offers free confidential information, advice, information, guidance, support and services to underrepresented communities across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, which include lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender (LGB&T) and new arrivals in Leicester City.

At Trade we pride ourselves on delivering targeted services to fit the needs of the communities we work with; we understand how intersectionality can affect the experiences we have and how they may differ from others who share similar identities. We also provide some other services, such as the C Card, which can be accessed by the wider community.

Appointment booking

You are now able to book appointments for a variety of services from the Trade office, including:

  • Kwik Prick rapid HIV testing
  • CLINIC xtra - LGB&T full sexual health screening clinic
  • In-person and remote assisted HIV/STI testing
  • C-Card  - registration and click & collect
  • Safer sex packs for men - click & collect

Click here to book your apppointment at Trade

Kwik Prick – rapid HIV testing

Rapid HIV testing service for LGB&T and new arrival communities. Using only a ‘finger prick’ of blood, our rapid test can detect HIV infection from 12 weeks ago.

CLINIC xtra - LGB&T sexual health screening

A full sexual health screening clinic for LGB&T communities from the Trade office, delivered in partnership with Leicester Sexual Health.

Sauna clincs - men-only sexual health screening

Full sexual health screening clinics for gay and bisexual men, and other men having sex with men, from Leicester's saunas and sex-on-premises venues, delivered in partnership with Leicester Sexual Health.

Information, advice and guidance on sexual health and HIV

From getting the lowdown on different sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV to where to get tested, advice on reducing sexual health risks or unsure who to talk to, we are available for enquiries:

  • through our website - contact for below
  • through email -
  • over the phone - 0116 254 1747
  • on WhatsApp - 0116 254 1747

Safer sex packs - condoms and lube

Available for gay and bisexual men, and other men having sex with men, to order through our website or to pick up from the Trade office and across most of Leicester's LGB&T venues.

We are also part of the C-Card scheme where anyone aged 13+ regardless of gender or sexual orientation can register and pick-up C-Card packs from us.

One-to-one emotional and practical support

Not sure where to start with any changes you want to make in your life around relationships, ‘coming out’ and more? You can book in one-off or regular sessions with a Trade worker.

Approach - counselling service

Talking therapy that involves speaking with a counsellor who is trained to listen with empathy and can support you with a variety of mental health issues which you may be experiencing, such as negative thoughts and feelings, through regular counselling sessions.

Community events and outreach

We run a variety of community outreach sessions, as well as attend and host events aimed at educating and informing the communities that we serve about sexual health, HIV, broader health issues and services that available for them.

Social and support groups

Trade is home to a few local social and support groups.

  • Dosti - for South Asian & Middle Eastern LGBTQ people
  • High Five - for gay and bisexual men who are directed affected by HIV

Volunteering opportunities

We run an extensive volunteer program with a variety of opportunities available across the organisation, from service delivery including community HIV testers and counsellors, community engagement, admin, networking and more.

Contact form

First name and Surname:

Telephone number:

Email address:

