Due to the current situation with Covid-19, drop-in services at the Trade office are limited
Trade can offer information, advice and guidance on sexual health and HIV prevention, as well as signpost and refer onto other services, in person at our drop-in services.
Some of our drop-in services include:
C-Card registration and distribution
Safer sex pack pick up
Information, advice and guidance on sexual health services, LGB&T support and services or other health & wellbeing services across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland.
Booking in for one-to-one practical support and counselling assessments
Signposting and referral onto other services specifically for your needs
Kwik Prick rapid HIV testing (Monday drop-in only at Trade only, appointments on other days at Trade and Splash Sauna drop-in)
Phone – 0116 254 1747
Email – info@tradesexualhealth.com
Online booking system - https://bit.ly/TSHbooking
Our main hub on 27 Bowling Green Street is where you can access our drop-in service during the hours below
Please check our website homepage and social media pages for any other days where we might be closed.
In partnership with Splash Spa & Leisure, we are also able to offer these drop-in services at their venue on a weekly basis, specifically for gay and bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men. The drop-in here is not only for Splash customers, but is also available to non-paying patrons wishing to access the drop-in only, with thanks to the venue owners.
Please check our website homepage and social media pages for any other days where these drop-in may be cancelled/changed.