Trade Sexual Health

Free, confidential health advice, information,
services & support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and trans communities of Leicester,
Leicestershire & Rutland

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Opening times and support during the festive period (2021)

Wednesday, 15th December 2021

Trade will be offering a limited in-person service during festive period - information, advice and guidance on looking after your sexual health can be accessed online or over the phone. Our opening times will be as follows: Monday 20th &nda...

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How we're supporting World AIDS Day (1st December)

Monday, 22nd November 2021

World AIDS Day is taking place on Wednesday 1st December this year, and as a sexual health and HIV charity, we are continuing to support the awareness and key themes that UNAIDS share each year. The theme for this year is ending inequalities and di...

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Leicester HIV Testing Week: why you should get involved

Monday, 15th November 2021

Leicester HIV Testing Week (LHTW) is soon approaching, where Trade Sexual Health and Leicester Sexual Health (NHS) will be launching a campaign to encourage HIV testing across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland. LHTW spans from 22nd November t...

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Guest post: Nearly half of LGBTQ+ people can't afford the price of parenthood

Tuesday, 21st September 2021

Although advancements in reproductive technology in the UK mean it is easier than ever before for LGBTQ+ people to become parents, a new survey by Fertility Help Hub has found that 93% of this community feel society does not extend equal rights to them...

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Trade & Leicester Sexual Health at Leicester Pride 2021

Tuesday, 31st August 2021

Stay safe at Leicester Pride this weekend by getting tested for STIs and HIV with Trade and Leicester Sexual Health!  We are excited to announce that we will be attending Leicester Pride this Saturday to host an on-site full sexual health...

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Social life