Trade Sexual Health

Free, confidential health advice, information,
services & support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and trans communities of Leicester,
Leicestershire & Rutland

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Fighting HIV Stigma Rally in London - coach travel from Leicester

Wednesday, 7th December 2022

2022 marks 40 years since Terry Higgins was the first person in the UK to die of an AIDS-related illness. Over the past 40 years many organisations ​across the UK​, like Trade​, have been working hard to increase awareness, edu...

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World AIDS Day Red Ribbon Remembrance

Monday, 21st November 2022

We invite you to attend Leicester’s 2022 World AIDS Day Red Ribbon Remembrance event on Thursday 1 December at 5.45pm prompt (until 6.15pm, followed by refreshments).  In addition to attending the event, we would be honou...

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Monkeypox & Vaccine East Midlands Panel

Friday, 11th November 2022

Since May 2022, there have been more than 3,700 cases of Monkeypox in the UK, almost all of them amongst gay and bisexual men and the people who have sex with them. The good news is that there is a vaccine that significantly reduces the risk o...

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New service: TNT - LGB&T substance harm reduction service

Monday, 25th July 2022

  New service partnership announcement!   TNT is a new LGBTQ+ substance harm reduction service in partnership with Turning Point for people who live in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This service was created as we...

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Trade Health & Wellbeing Marquee at Leicester Pride 2022

Friday, 22nd July 2022

We are back! Trade returns with the annual Health and Wellbeing Marquee at Leicester Pride, in partnership with Leicester Sexual Health, on Saturday 3rd September at Victoria Park, Leicester. As usual, the team at Leicester Sexual Health will be of...

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Social life