Trade has taken a holistic approach to gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans health and well-being and continues to acknowledge that our ability to create supportive environments for LGB&T people depends not only on our strengths as an organisation, but also on our capacity to build alliances and partnerships that empower all people who confront discrimination because of their sexuality, gender, identity or HIV status.
Trade Sexual Health remains at its core a local charity dedicated to supporting LGB&T people, with firm partnerships with LGB&T communities, stakeholders, voluntary organisations and partners to ensure services are accessible and LGB&T friendly.
Becoming part of the Trade Board of Trustees will enable you to become a central part of this process, ensuring that the highest quality services are provided to our target groups. Help maintain an overview of Trade Sexual Health and to monitor and ensure its effective running and safeguard the values and principles of Trade Sexual Health.
Each new member of the Board of Trustees (BOT) will be asked to meet with the BOT chair for an induction session prior to the first management meeting they attend. The aim of this meeting is to highlight the role of the group and the responsibilities of a trustee on the BOT.
The meeting will also allow the chair of the BOT to indicate the tools they will need in order to contribute to the management meetings fully (e.g. explanation of jargon, acronyms etc.).
It is also an opportunity for the new Trustee to discuss any queries or issues they may have, so as to allow them to participate fully in the BOT.
We are currently looking to recruit new Board of Trustees with the current skill sets:
To start getting involved, click here to download a Trustee application pack. Alternatively, email to arrange an informal chat with an active Trustee.
Specific duties:
Specific duties:
Specific duties:
Specific duties:
For more information on how you can join the Board at Trade or you have an informal chat with an active Trustee, email